But this isn't a good thing. This is a pushy sob who knows that you are a bad driver, a speeder, and the next one to cause a wreck and injuries

So if the word gets back to the Rancho Penasquitos residents who think we are all worse drivers than they are; that we are all public menaces to the calm, slow, mundane, mature Benz drivers of the world... if the word gets to them that I'm fed up with proselytizing ay-holes with slow old 4 doors... then this write up will completed its purpose.

Have a big hot steaming cup of shut the eff up, and don't drive so close behind the vehicle in front of you that when you got rear ended you were pushed into the back of the car of someone else and ruined the day of an innocent driver who wasn't ready to use an accident to shove a message in everyone else's face... they should have their rear ended car in front of your's to tell you not to follow so close.