His home was packed with piles of medical machinery, 1,500 beer steins, thousands of receipts and even a World War Two spy drone.
But all the effort became worth it when they opened the door of his garage - and struck gold. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1103849/The-eccentric-uncle-left-garage--containing-6m-Bugatti-supercar.html
a small number of Bugatti enthusiasts knew of Carr's proudest possession, but not the eight relatives who inherited Carr's estate.
The orthopedic surgeon was described by relatives as an eccentric hoarder who never threw anything out. He also left behind an Aston Martin, which was sold, and a E type Jaguar that was scrapped because it was in such poor condition. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jZOuzKqkqgFk6-U-o0gV94ur5HJAD95F2M600
The orthopedic surgeon was described by relatives as an eccentric hoarder who never threw anything out. He also left behind an Aston Martin, which was sold, and a E type Jaguar that was scrapped because it was in such poor condition. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jZOuzKqkqgFk6-U-o0gV94ur5HJAD95F2M600
Doctor Carr's Bugatti Atalante is due to be auctioned by Bonhams in Paris in February 2009 and is expected to fetch up to £3m
Thanks Mike!
On a related note: http://justacarguy.blogspot.com/2007/06/37-bugatti-atalante-was-at-greenwich.html